大学英语[实用综合教程 学生用书 第二版]Unit 8 (习题答案)

大学英语[实用综合教程 学生用书 第二版]Unit 8 (习题答案)


7妈妈坚持说:“我们必须有一棵树。” “否则,我们将如何处理所有这些装饰?”

1 1947年父亲过世后,妈妈外出工作支撑全家。我一直盼着能跟朋友一起过圣诞节,直到中学毕业。但圣诞节前两个星期妈妈告诉我说去外婆家过节。
9 随着我们装扮圣诞树,屋里很快飘散起新鲜、美好的气味,呈现出节日的氛围,火鸡大餐也很不错,我居然开始喜欢这个不一般的圣诞节了。大家都忘了甜点,直到妈妈捧出一个圣诞火烧布丁,给了大家最后的惊喜。“妈妈,圣诞快乐!”妈妈对外婆说。
10 “天哪!”外婆屏住了气,“自从我离开英国后就再没见过火烧布丁了。这真是我度过的最好的圣诞节!”她的眼睛里满是喜悦的泪水。

Text A / Comprehension
A. Choose the best answer according to the text.

1. The story happened when ________.
A. the writer’s father died
B. the writer had finished high school
C. the writer’s mother went to work
D. the writer was 18
2. The writer didn’t want to spend that Christmas at his grandmother’s because ________.
A. he had other plans for the festival
B. he didn’t want to visit some poor relatives
C. he wanted to spend the time with friends
D. all the above
3. The writer felt ________ on the way to his grandmother’s.
A. happy
B. excited
C. unhappy
D. angry
4. The grandmother seemed ________ when she saw her daughter and grandchild at the doorway.
A. surprised and happy
B. unhappy
C. disappointed
D. surprised
5. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the flaming Christmas pudding?
A. The flaming pudding was the final course of the dinner.
B. The flaming pudding moved both the grandma and the writer to tears.
C. The grandmother had never seen a flaming pudding till then.
D. The flaming pudding taught the writer that it was a beautiful thing to give.
Key: 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. C

B. Complete the following sentences orally with your partner.

1. Mother went to work to support the family after the writer’s father died.
2. Grandma lived on a farm some 15 miles out of town .
3. Mother took all the decorations on the Christmas tree and all the trimmings for a complete turkey dinner to grandma’s.
4. The writer began to really enjoy the Christmas when grandma’s house smelled fresh and pleasant as they decorated the tree and the day took on a festive air .
5. The writer couldn’t help crying because he knew then that his mother had given him the best Christmas present ever — she had taught him what a beautiful thing it is to give .

C. Make a dialogue with your partner according to the situation described below.

1. A: Hi, Jack. This is John (etc.) .
B: Hi, John .
A: Listen, I can’t come to your Christmas party on the 25th. I am very sorry.
B: What? But you promised! Look, we have made a lot of preparations for the day. We will have a big party throughout the night. Hey, what’s the matter with you ?
A: It’s my mother. She said we are going to my grandma’s house for the holiday . So we must, though I intended to share this special time with you, not some relatives at an old farm .
B: Oh, but aren’t you already a grown-up? Can’t you tell her that you may have your own plan for the day?
A: Of course I did. But it was no use.
B: Yeah, I see.
A: P lease tell the others that I won’t come . I’m so sorry. I wish you have a good time .
B: Thank you. The same to you.
A: Thank you. I’ll call you later
2. A: Hello, this is John . Merry Christmas. May I speak to Jack?
C: Hi, John . Merry Christmas. Wait a moment, please.
B: Hi, John . Merry Christmas.
A: Merry Christmas.
B: How was your Christmas Day? Was it the worst Christmas you had ever had?
A: It was actually perfect! Perhaps the best Christmas I’ve ever had.
B: Wow! What a change! What on earth happened? Tell me everything about it!
A: You see, I was very very upset at first. On Christmas Eve, mom told me to remove all the decorations from our tree and she packed them up, along with all the trimmings needed for a complete turkey dinner .
B: Mm, that was very thoughtful of her.
A: Yeah, but I was quite unhappy at that time and so I felt upset all the way to grandma’s.
B: How did she look, I mean your grandma, when she saw you coming along?
A: Oh, she was very surprised . She didn’t expect us at all. She said she didn’t even have a turkey to cook for us . But mom told her that she had brought a turkey. Then she asked Uncle Henry to look for a Christmas tree. So we went together to the nearby woods.
B: Sounds not too bad. I can even smell the pines in the woods!
A: Mm, I’ve to say it was very interesting to search for a Christmas tree in the woods, feeling so close to nature.
B: Seems that the fresh pines changed your state of mind, right?
A: Sort of. I was actually beginning to enjoy this unusual Christmas Day . The dinner was wonderful. And my mom’s flaming pudding was even more wonderful.
B: I can imagine that. Your mother cooks well.
A: No, it’s not because of that. It’s something else. When she brought out the dessert, grandma was moved to tears because she hadn’t seen a flaming pudding since she left England .
B: So were you, I imagine?
A: Yeah. I couldn’t keep the tears from my eyes either . You know, the pudding was also a great Christmas present for me.
B: For you?
A: Yes. It told me what a beautiful thing it is to give .

Vocabulary Building / Exercises
A. Match each word with their proper Chinese meaning.

B. Fill in each blank with a given word or expression in their right form.

1. He packed up his things and went on a journey to Egypt.
2. We’ll set off early, otherwise we may not get a seat.
3. I intend to give the CD back to you next time we meet.
4. What have you done with the letter?
5. The weather during the last few days has been perfect .
6. Let’s remove the books from the table.
7. Actually it’s we who should say thank you.
8. Along with the articles there are some photographs in the newspaper

Grammar Tips / Exercises
A. Complete each sentence with the given words in their proper forms.

1. I haven’t seen (not see) him since 1985.
2. Our guests have met (meet) before, so we didn’t need to introduce them to one another.
3. Mr. Brown has visited (visit) China twice this year.
4. When Tom arrived, they hadn’t left (not leave) yet.
5. By the time we arrived at the site, he had worked (work) for three hours.
6. My cup is empty. Who has drunk (drink) my tea?
7. I am not hungry. I have just had (have) my dinner.
8. Mrs. Green rung me up when I went (go) to bed.
9. — Has he finished (finish) his work today?
— Not yet.
10. — Have you been (be) to Hong Kong?
— Yes, I have been (be) there twice.

B. Choose the best answer.

1. You needn’t hurry her. She ________ it by the time you are ready.
A. will have been finishing B. would finish
C. will have finished D. will be finishing
2. Obviously, he ________ a bad cold. He sneezes so often.
A. has caught B. has been C. had D. was
3. It’s been a long time since I ________. How are you?
A. had last seen you B. saw you last
C. have least seen you D. last was seeing you
4. We ________ on it for several hours but we have not yet reached any conclusion.
A. work B. are working
C. have been working D. have been worked
5. He said that he ________ for Shanghai the next day.
A. will leave B. has left C. would leave D. had left
6. The film ________ for ten minutes when we got to the cinema.
A. have already been on B. had already begun
C. had already been on D. have already begun
7. She told us that her brother ________ the league for more than three years.
A. had been in B. had joined
C. joined D. had become a member of
8. — Where’s your brother?
— He ________ the library with his friend. He’ll be back in two hours.
A. goes to B. has been to C. come from D. went to
9. The interviewer asked Detective Lu where the murder ________.
A. was taken place B. had taken place
C. had been taken place D. is taking place
10. Not only his parents but also his brother ________ to the Summer Palace.
They haven’t come back.
A. had been B. had gone C. have gone D. has gone

C. Fill in each blank according to the Chinese given in brackets.

1. 到他参加考试时,他学英语已经六年了。
He had learned English for six years by the time he took his examination.
2. 我从没有看过如此有趣的书。
I have never read such an interesting book before.
3. 这支笔我只用过三次,因此它还是新的。
I have used this pen only three times. It is still new.
4. 我们到那儿时,他们还没有完成工作。
They hadn’t finished the work when we got there.
5. 在我回到家前,妈妈已经把饭做好了。
Mother had finished cooking before I arrived home.

Text B / Comprehension
A. Complete the following answers according to the text.

1. Where is First Night usually celebrated?
It is usually celebrated in many places all over the United States .
2. What acts do Annie’s family like to watch at the First Night celebration?
Annie likes the dancing ; her sister likes the puppet show and her parents love all the music .
3. Why is New York City the noisiest place in America on New Year’s Eve?
It is the noisiest place because thousands of people gather in Times Square to watch the “ball lowering” .
4. What does Annie decide to do in the new year?
She decides to be nicer to her sister and practice her violin more .
5. Why do people eat Hoppin’ John on New Year’s Day?
People eat it because it is supposed to bring them good luck all year .

B. Read the sentences below and decide if they are true or false according to the text. Write T for true or F for false.

1. First Night is a New Year’s celebration only for children.
2. Annie’s family usually choose one act to watch on First Night.
3. Annie’s family go home and watch the celebration in Times Square in New York City on television.
4. The shining ball begins to drop one minute before midnight.
5. Annie makes resolutions to make herself a better girl in the new year.
Keys: 1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T

Comprehensive Exercises
A. Choose the best answer.

1. When we ________ to the airport, we learned that the plane had already ________ in Shanghai. A. arrived; reached
B. reached; got
C. got; arrived
D. arrived; got
2. We used to go shopping on Sundays, but ________ for the past five weeks.
A. I didn’t do that
B. I hadn’t done that
C. I don’t do that
D. I haven’t done that
3. The engineer tried to start the machine ________.
A. run
B. runs
C. running
D. was run
4. The teacher expected all the students ________ earlier the next morning.
A. come
B. coming
C. to came
D. to come
5. — Do you like the cloth?
— Yes, it ________ very soft.
A. is feeling
B. felt
C. feels
D. is felt
6. He saw his friends ________ at the airport last Sunday.
A. through
B. off
C. leave
D. goodbye
7. — Can I get you a cup of tea?
— ________.
A. That’s very nice of you
B. With pleasure
C. You can, please
D. Thank you for the tea
8. The exam was much more difficult than we ________.
A. expect
B. have expected
C. expected
D. had expected
9. Almost everybody knows ________ it is to master a foreign language in today’s world.
A. what important
B. how important things
C. what important things
D. how important
10. There was nothing to ________ so.
A. keep her from doing
B. keep her do
C. prevent her doing
D. stop her do

B. Fill in the blanks with the words given below.
England travel Turkey learn together organized

Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November, about the time most crops are harvested in North America. American families get (1) together on this day to give thanks to God, to enjoy a big dinner and to remember the first Thanksgiving, which took place long ago.
The first settlers were a religious group who moved from (2) England to America in the early 17th century. In the beginning, their life in America was very difficult. When they had a good year, they (3) organized a dinner party for all the settlers to thank God for His kindness. They also invited some of the Indians who had helped them (4) learn to hunt and grow local food. That was the first Thanksgiving.
Today, Thanksgiving is a family holiday. Family members sometimes (5) travel thousands of miles to get together for Thanksgiving. (6) Turkey , sweet potatoes, and pumpkin pie are eaten on the occasion.

C. Translate the following sentences into English, using the given words or phrases.

1. 他们打算明天一早就动身回家过春节。(set off)
They intended / planned to set off home early the next morning for Spring Festival.
2. 我们包装好给爷爷和奶奶的礼物,要给他们一个新年的惊喜。(pack up)
We packed up the gifts for our grandparents and wanted to give them a surprise on New Year’s Day.
3. 装饰精美的圣诞树让房子里有了节日的氛围。(take on)
The house took on a festive air for the beautifully decorated Christmas tree.
4. 除夕之夜,家人们会团聚在一起吃年夜饭。(family reunion dinner; be supposed to)
On Spring Festival’s Eve, families are supposed to get together and have a family reunion dinner.
5. 这场庆典以焰火表演结束。 (end with; fireworks display)
The celebration ended with a fireworks display.

D. Translate the following passage from Text A into Chinese.

Christmas morning dawned perfectly, with the sun shining brightly across a fresh blanket of snow. But I sat in the backseat of the car silently, feeling upset when we made our way to grandma’s. This was going to be the worst Christmas I had ever had!

Practical Reading and Writing
A. Read the greetings on the cards above and write the answer to the questions.

1. In sample 1, how is the weather going to be at Christmas?
It’s going to be snowy at Christmas.
2. What does Mr. Brown do?
Mr. Brown is a professor of a university.
3. Who does Susan send her wishes to?
Susan sends her wishes to her mother.
4. What is the relationship between Miss Baker and Lucy?
Miss Baker is Lucy’s teacher.






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