大学英语 新标准高职实用综合教程(第2版)第三册 Unit 07

大学英语 新标准高职实用综合教程(第2版)第三册 Unit 07

  • Unit 07 : Career and Life > Listening and Watching > Listening
  • 1. What would the speaker be willing to do in a hospital?
    He would be willing to do anything, , if necessary.
    2. Why would he want to work as an assistant worker in a hospital for a year or two?
    In the hospital, he could look and  so that he might know what kind of job he wanted to do.
    3. In choosing a job, what is the first thing to consider?
    The first thing to consider is how well the job  the public.
    4. What is the second thing to consider?
    The second thing to consider is how much  there is in the job.
    5. What is the third thing to consider?
    The third thing to consider is the  reward in the job.
  • 正确答案:1. cleaning the floor   2. listen   3. serves   4. fun   5. financial  
  • Script:
    If I were 21, I would get a job as an assistant worker in a hospital, cleaning the floor, if necessary, and look and listen. After a year or two, I might know what kind of job I wanted to do. Maybe I would find that I wanted to become a nurse rather than a doctor. I would see where the job led me.
    One way to find out what you want to do in life is to try all kinds of jobs. If you don’t like working in a store, try a factory, an office, or a farm. Not only will you find out what you want to do, but you will also pick up an amazing amount of useful information. If I were to choose a job, I should consider three things: how well it served the public; how much fun there was in it; and, of course, whether its financial reward would meet my needs.


Unit 07 : Career and Life > Text Study > Text A

  • Where Are All the Plumbers?
  • Where Are All the Plumbers?
1      For the past few days I’ve spent most of the time in my workshop making a little stool for Emily.
2     I like the whole process of writing but when I get back there in my workshop, I notice that I’m quite happy. Yesterday I worked until 2:30 before I remembered I hadn’t eaten lunch. I suddenly realized that I could give up writing and spend the rest of my life making pieces of furniture that interested me. Who knows? I might get good at it.
3      I don’t understand why more people don’t get their satisfactions from working with their hands. Somehow, a hundred or more years ago something strange happened in this country. Americans began to think that people who worked with their hands were not as smart as those who worked with their brains. The carpenters, the plumbers, the mechanics, and the farmers were put in a social class below the bankers, the salesmen, and the doctors. The jobs that required people to work with their hands were generally lower-paying jobs and the people who took them had less education.
4     Another strange thing has happened in recent years. It’s almost as though the working people who really know how to do something other than make money are striking back at the white-collar society. In all but the executive jobs, the blue-collar workers are making as much as or more than the teachers, the accountants and the office clerks.
5      The apprentice carpenters are making more than the young people starting out as bank clerks. Master craftsmen are making $60,000 a year and many are making double that. In most large cities, automobile mechanics charge $45 an hour. A mechanic working in the service department of a car dealer in Los Angeles or New York can make $60,000 a year. All this has happened, in part at least, because the fathers who were plumbers made enough money to send their children to college so they wouldn’t have to be plumbers.
6      In England, a child’s future is determined at an early age when the child is put either in a school that gives a classical education or one that puts emphasis on learning a trade. Even though we never have had the same kind of class system in America, our lines are drawn, too. The people who work with their hands as well as their brains still aren’t likely to belong to the local country club. The mechanic at the car dealer’s may make more money than the car salesman, but the salesman belongs to the club and the mechanic doesn’t.
7     It’s hard to explain why we don’t have enough people who do things well with their hands. You can only say that it’s because of some confused sense of values we have that makes us think it is better to sell houses as a salesman than it is to build them as a carpenter.
8      To further confuse the matter, when anyone who works mostly with his brain, as I do, does something with his hands, as when I make a piece of furniture, friends give high praise. So, why is it that the people who do it professionally, and far better than I, aren’t in the country club?
9     My point is that considering how enjoyable it is to work with your hands and how much money you can make in those jobs, it is curious that more young people coming out of school aren’t learning a trade instead of becoming salesmen.


1    这几天我大部分时间都待在工作间里,为艾米丽做一个小板凳。

2    我很喜欢写作的整个过程。但当我回到工作间时,我发现自己也非常开心。昨天,我一直干到下午两点半才想起还没吃午饭,我顿时意识到我可以放弃写作,做些自己喜欢的家具来度过余生。谁知道呢,我也许还会做得不错呢。

3    我无法理解为什么许多人对手工劳动不满意。不知什么缘故,一百年前左右,这个国家发生了怪事:美国人开始认为手工劳动者没有脑力劳动者聪明。木匠、水管工、机械工和农民所处的社会阶层低于银行从业者、销售员和医生。手工劳动者所从事的工作一般是低薪工种,从事这类工作的人教育程度不高。

4    近年来又发生了奇事。那些会做事但不太会赚钱的人似乎向白领阶层发起了反击。除了行政工作之外,在所有工作中,蓝领工人的收入与教师、会计以及办公室职员齐平,甚至更多。

5    木工学徒的收入超过了刚刚进银行的年轻职员。熟练工一年挣6万美元,有人甚至能挣到双倍。在大多数大城市里,汽车修理工一小时收费45美元。在洛杉矶或纽约汽车经销商的维修部工作的机械工一年收入6万美元。做水管工的父辈赚了足够的钱,把孩子送进了大学,于是孩子们便不用再当水管工了。这至少能说明奇事发生的部分原因。

6    在英国,很小的时候,孩子的未来就成了定局:孩子读书要么被分在以古典教育为主的学校,要么被分在以职业教育为中心的学校。尽管美国从未有这样的等级制,但我们的界线也划分得很明显。手脑兼用的劳动者仍然不可能成为地方乡村俱乐部的成员。在汽车经销点工作的机械工也许比销售员挣钱多,但销售员是俱乐部会员而机械工却不是。

7    很难解释为什么我们没有足够的动手能力强的人,只能说正是因为我们的价值观模糊不清,才使我们认为卖楼的推销员比盖楼的木匠要体面。

8    更让人困惑的是,当任何一个主要从事脑力劳动的人(比如我)做点手工劳动(比如做家具)时,朋友们会大加赞扬。那么,为什么专业从事这项工作且远比我做得好的人却不能得到尊重、成为乡村俱乐部的会员呢?

9    我想说的是,手工劳动带来如此乐趣和这般可观的收入,可更多的年轻人毕业后仍不想学手艺而是想成为推销员,这实在令人费解。

  • Unit 07 : Career and Life > Key to Book Exercises

Text A / Comprehension

A. Complete the following sentences orally according to the text, and then work with your partner and take turns asking and answering the questions orally.

1. What did the author realize through working with his hands in his workshop?

He realized that he could give up writing and spend the rest of his life making pieces of furniture that interested him.

2. What was the strange thing that happened in America a hundred or more years ago?

A hundred or more years ago, Americans began to think that people who worked with their hands were not as smart as those who worked with their brains.

3. What was another strange thing that happened in recent years in America?

Another strange thing that happened in recent years was that in all bur the executive jobs, the blue-collar workers are making as much as or more than the teachers, the accountants and the office clerks.

4. What happens when someone who works mostly with his brain makes something with his hands?

When someone who works mostly with his brain does something with his hands, friends give high praise.

5. What is the point that the author wants to make in this article?

The author’s point is that considering how enjoyable it is to work with one’s hands and how much money one can make in those jobs, it is curious that more young people coming out of school aren’t learning a trade instead of becoming salesmen.

B. Choose the best answer for each of the following statements or questions according to the text.

1. What is the writer’s profession?

A. He is a carpenter.

B. He is a writer.  

C. He is a blue-collar worker.

D. He is a plumber.

2. Blue-collar workers in general ________ in recent years.

A. are working at lower-paying jobs

B. are making as much as or more than the white collars

C. are constantly on strike in order to get better pay

D. are making $60,000 a year

3. That people who work with their hands as well as their brains are not likely to belong to the local country club indicates that ________.

A. there is still prejudice against people who work with their brains

B. there is still prejudice against people who work with their hands

C. the local country club is badly managed

D. people who work with their hands as well as their brains cannot afford the fees

4. That we do not have enough people who do things well with their hands is probably because ________.

A. our sense of values is confused

B. it is better to sell houses as a salesman than it is to build them as a carpenter

C. it is better to repair a car as a mechanic than it is to sell a car as a car salesman

D. people who do things well with their hands make little money

5. It can be inferred that the writer thinks ________.

A. young people should all learn a trade

B. fathers who were plumbers should encourage their children to be plumbers, too

C. blue-collar work should be better paid

D. people should not be prejudiced against blue-collar work

Key: 1. B   2. B   3. B    4. A     5.D

Vocabulary Building / Exercises

A. Match the words in the left-hand column with the Chinese meanings on the right.

B. Fill in each of the following blanks with the proper form of the given word.

1. Laura was highly _________ for her performance in the play. (praise)

2. She is an __________ and works in a big company. (accounting)

3. Yao Ming is a __________ basketball player. (professionally)

4. Your application will be __________  as soon as we receive it. (process)

5. He told a very __________ story to the whole class yesterday. (interest)

6. When __________ are sent to different parts of the city, they have to drive in order to carry their products. (salesman)

7. When the bad boys bullied him again, he __________ back. (strike)

8. He bought three pieces of __________ for his room. (furniture)


1. praised   

2. accountant     

3. professional  

4. processed   

5. interesting  

6. salesmen   

7. struck

8. furniture

Grammar Tips / Exercises

A. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. 我把字典弄丢了,所以我得重新买一本。

I lost my dictionary, so I have to buy a new one.

2. 经理要我写份报告,我写好了。

The manager asked me to write a report, and I have done so.

3. 如果需要,我可以买一台电脑。

If needed, I can buy a computer.

4. 你的电脑显示屏比我的清楚多了。

The monitor of your computer is clearer than that of mine.

5. 除非接到邀请,否则他是不会来参加你的生日晚会的。

He will not come to your birthday party unless invited.

B. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

1. John wanted to ride his bike to school, but his father told him ________.

  A. not to

  B. not do

  C. not do it

  D. do not to

2. The color of your dress is brighter than ________ of mine.

  A. that

  B. one

  C. it

  D. what

3. What’s the difference between the first book and the second? — The first one has exercises while the second has ________.

  A. nothing

  B. none

  C. no one

  D. neither

4. Although ________ to stop, he kept on walking.

  A. tell

  B. told

  C. was told

  D. having told

5. Mike smokes heavily. Does his father ________?

  A. smoke so

  B. smoke that

  C. do so

  D. did that

Key: A A B B C

Text B / Comprehension

A. Answer the following questions according to the text.

1. What does the survey report tell about the college students’ attitudes toward life today?  

The survey finds that today’s college students are more materialistic and less idealistic.

2. According to the survey report, what is the major objective for students today? What becomes less important as a result?

The students’ major objective is to be financially well off. Less important than ever is developing a meaningful philosophy of life.

3. What do most people realize when they are between the ages of 30 and 50?

Most people between the ages of 30 and 50 would realize that they wish they would do more than serve a company or whatever.

4. What is the most important thing for us to do in studying the wisdom of all ages?

The most important thing for us to do is that we improve our moral sense in studying the wisdom of all ages.

5. With the cartoon as an example, what does the author want to say about education?

With the cartoon, the author wants to say that education should teach the students how to tell right from wrong.

B. Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T if it is true, or F if false.

F  1. The survey report is based on answers from over 188,000 college graduates.

T  2. Today, fewer students choose to study literature or history.

F  3. More and more young people are interested in teaching and social service.

T  4. A friend of the author had made twice the salary of college teachers even before she finished her college.

T  5. Young people often do not understand the meaning of life.

T  6. The author believes that we can educate people for life as well as for a career.

Comprehensive Exercises

A. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.

1. He told me with ________ that he could not come to the party.

   A. regret

   B. concern

   C. worry

   D. trouble

2. According to a recent ________, in Shanghai alone there are more than 2.5 million migrant workers.

    A. research

    B. survey

    C. study

    D. observation

3. ________ I had read the books on the reading list before the final exam.

    A. Only if

    B. If

    C. Unless

    D. If only

4. It suddenly ________ her that she had been wrong all along.

    A. came to

    B. came through

    C. came round

    D. came under

5. The study of idioms is as important as ________ of grammar.

    A. this

    B. that

    C. the one

    D. one

6. The problems we have today are similar to ________ we had in the 1980s.

    A. these

    B. this

    C. those

    D. that

7. The work was done ________ her instructions.

    A. in addition to

    B. according to

    C. as well as

    D. apart from

8. Can you tell Jack ________ his twin brother?

    A. of

    B. on

    C. from

    D. between

Key: A B D A B C B C

B. Fill in the blanks with the words given below.

students      interested       careers      fieldsother       emphasis        salaries       surprisingly

A recent phenomenon in the choice of careers for college graduates is the increasing trend towards big companies. Few are interested in research fields. This is an unavoidable problem in a materialistic society. On the one hand, big companies offer higher salaries to compete with each other to get students even before they have completed their studies. On the other hand, the whole society tends to put emphasis on immediate economic results and shows relatively little interest in long-term research. Not surprisingly, more and more scientists and researchers from pure research are moving to applied fields, where there are more jobs available with better salaries. All this has not only seriously influenced young people’s views on the choice of careers, but on education as well. Many college teachers complain that fewer and fewer students these days are studying for the sake of knowledge.

C. Translate the following sentences into English using the words or phrases given.

1. 我真后悔在中学里没多花点时间学数学。(regret)

I really regret that I did not spend more time on math at high school.

2. 我们需要考虑我们能为国家做点什么贡献。(contribute)

We need to think about what we could contribute to our country.

3. 能够独立思考是成熟的表现。(maturity)

It is a sign of maturity to be able to think independently.

4. 我认为学一门手艺很有用。(learn a trade)

I think it is useful to learn a trade.

5. 实际上,许多蓝领的薪水比白领的薪水还要高。(blue-collar, white-collar)

In fact, many blue-collar workers earn more than white-collar workers.

D. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1. Yesterday I worked until 2:30 before I remembered I hadn’t eaten lunch.


2. In all but the executive jobs, the blue-collar workers are making as much as or more than the teachers, the accountants, and the office clerks.


3. You can only say that it’s because of some confused sense of values we have that makes us think it is better to sell houses as a salesman than it is to build them as a carpenter.


4. Most people, somewhere between the ages of 30 and 50, finally realize that they wish they could do more than serve a company or whatever.


5. According to the survey based on answers from over 188,000 students, today’s college students are “more materialistic and less idealistic.” It is not surprising in these hard times that the students’ major objective “is to be financially well off. Less important than ever is developing a meaningful philosophy of life.” So today the most popular course is not literature or history but accounting.


Practical Reading and Writing / Exercises

A. Complete the answer (in no more than three words) to each of the following questions.

1. Where was Zhang Yi born?

In Wuxi , Jiangsu Province.

2. Where is Zhang Yi currently living?

In Nanjing , Jiangsu Province.

3. What was Zhang Yi’s major at university?

She was a(n) English major .

4. What did Zhang Yi do in 2002?

She taught College English .

5. What is Zhang Yi’s current job?

She is the general manager of a computer company.

B. You are required to write a resume according to the following instructions given in Chinese. You should write at least 70 words. Follow the example in the Practical Reading section and pay close attention to the writing tips outlined above.

姓 名:        许涛

性 别:        男

出生年月:   1988. 10. 10

籍 贯:        湖南长沙

婚姻状况:   未婚

健康状况:   佳

家庭住址:   湖南省长沙市新城区新东方路4号601室(410000)

联系电话:   13*********

电子邮箱:    hnxh**@sina. com

教育背景:   2003 – 2006年     长沙第三高级中学

                  2006 – 2010年     中南大学商学院毕业

工作背景:   2010至今 长沙远大贸易公司销售部经理助理

个人爱好/特长:喜欢旅游, 听音乐

Sample answer:

圆角矩形: RESUME
Name: 		Xu Tao
Gender: 	Male
Date of Birth: 	October 10, 1988
Place of Birth: Changsha, Hunan Province
Marital Status: Single
Health: 	Excellent
Address: 	Room 601, NO. 4, New Dongfang Road Xincheng
            District Changsha, Hunan Province 410000
Telephone: 	13*********
Email:	 	hnxh**@sina.com
2006 - 2010 Commercial College of Central South University
	2003 - 2006 Changsha NO. 3 High School
Work Experience:
	2010 - Present Assistant to the sales manager, Changsha Yuanda Trading Company
Personal Interests: Traveling, music



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